Gear Foundation: Accelerating Web 3.0 Growth

Gear Foundation is dedicated to advancing the development and adoption of innovative blockchain solutions. Its primary mission is to foster collaboration and provide support to the networks based on Gear Protocol. Vara Network is the main focus for now, as it is the first deployment.

Through research, education, and community engagement, Gear Foundation plays a vital role in driving the growth and success of decentralized technologies and empowers individuals and organizations to harness the full potential of blockchain technology.

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News & Events

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Vara x GeekHubs: Developing Decentralized Applications (DApps)

Experience Vara x GeekHubs: Developing Decentralized Applications (DApps) on May 15, 2024, from 17:45 to 20:30 at La Harinera - Valencia Innovation Capital. Embark on an engaging journey into the world of decentralized applications (DApps) at this interactive workshop tailored for developers of all skill levels. Dive into the fundamentals of blockchain technology and explore the intricacies of DApp development using Rust on the Vara platform. **Agenda Highlights:** - **Registration and Welcome (17:45 - 18:00):** Get settled in and connect with fellow enthusiasts. - **Introduction to DApps and Blockchain (18:00 - 18:35):** Discover the core concepts driving decentralized applications. - **Fundamentals of Rust and WebAssembly for DApps (18:35 - 19:05):** Explore the essential tools for building DApps on Vara. - **Hands-On Session: Designing Your First DApp (19:05 - 20:00):** Roll up your sleeves and create your inaugural decentralized application. - **Workshop Close and Q&A (20:00 - 20:30):** Wrap up the session with insights and interactive discussions. - Afterwards, extend the evening with networking opportunities over pizza on-site or a visit to a local bar. Don't miss out on this exciting event blending education, practical experience, and community building in the vibrant setting of Valencia. Secure your spot now for an unforgettable exploration into the future of decentralized technologies!

May 15, 2024
about gear

What is Gear protocol

Gear Protocol simplifies smart contract development. It provides an easy-to-use library and a custom runtime for programs. These use unique features and Substrate components, ensuring secure, fork-less upgradable networks, facilitating seamless integration with other Substrate-based networks. The protocol’s tech design and asynchronous programming allow infinite sharding, enabling truly decentralized use cases. This innovation opens doors to transitioning thousands of traditional Web2.0 businesses and services to Web3.

Our Backers

  1. blockchange
  2. lemniscap
  3. distributed global
  4. the lao
  5. PSP Economy
  6. mechanism capital
  7. bitscale capital
  8. spartan
  9. hashkey group
  10. di ventures
  11. elysium
  12. signum capital
  13. ybb

Use Cases

While we’re just scratching the surface of what this technology can do, here are a few ways people are using Gear.

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

    A blockchain based form of finance that does not rely on centralized financial institutions, instead utilizing smart contracts and blockchain technology to empower users and transcend borders.
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  • Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs)

    A way to represent any asset on the blockchain, to enable easier and more efficient trade and management.
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  • Tools&Explorers

    A search engine that allows you to search for a particular piece of information on a blockchain.
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  • Web3/eCommerce

    The third generation of internet services for websites and applications that will focus on using blockchain-based technology to provide more intelligent, connected and open services.
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  • Staking

    A method that enables people to lock some of their cryptocurrencies as a way to contribute to securing a blockchain network.
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  • Decentralized Autonomous Orgs (DAOs)

    An innovative organization represented by rules encoded into smart contracts that runs autonomously and without the requirement of centralised individuals and parties.
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  • Wallets

    A device, program or service that securely stores an individual's cryptocurrency without third party sovereignty.
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  • Oracles

    An important third party service that provides blockchains and smart contracts with “off-chain” data from the physical world.

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Connect with one of the fastest growing communities of developers and innovators all over the world that are building the new era of the internet.