Vara 社区月度回顾 | 2023 年 3 月
Vara 社区度过了一个多产的月份,开展了多场令人兴奋的活动!\\ 全球多地的热情社区成员之间持续交流与合作!阅读 Medium 了解更多内容!
Gear Foundation is dedicated to advancing the development and adoption of innovative blockchain solutions. Its primary mission is to foster collaboration and provide support to the networks based on Gear Protocol. Vara Network is the main focus for now, as it is the first deployment.
Through research, education, and community engagement, Gear Foundation plays a vital role in driving the growth and success of decentralized technologies and empowers individuals and organizations to harness the full potential of blockchain technology.
Gear Protocol simplifies smart contract development. It provides an easy-to-use library and a custom runtime for programs. These use unique features and Substrate components, ensuring secure, fork-less upgradable networks, facilitating seamless integration with other Substrate-based networks. The protocol’s tech design and asynchronous programming allow infinite sharding, enabling truly decentralized use cases. This innovation opens doors to transitioning thousands of traditional Web2.0 businesses and services to Web3.